Starter Tutorial

Welcome to PyGMT! This tutorial is designed to teach the basic concepts to make a map in PyGMT.

About PyGMT

PyGMT is a Python wrapper for the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) software package. GMT can be used for all types of plotting, but has a focus on scientific mapping in the geoscience field. PyGMT adds to the mapping capabilities of GMT by adding in the functionality of Python-specific packages, such as numpy, pandas, and xarray, as well as includes the use of Jupyter notebooks.

About this tutorial

This tutorial assumes that PyGMT has been successfully installed. A quick way to test this is to type import pygmt in a Python IDE or Jupyter Notebook.

This tutorial will progressively cover PyGMT plotting concepts, and later examples will use concepts explained in previous examples. It will not cover all PyGMT modules.

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